Pretty Little Leidy

At little pretty Jasbleidy you can get you nails done with BIAB, the builder gel in question is a clear or pastel-toned gel that is applied to bared nails either alone or as the base coat for you regular gel colour. It provides armour for nails which are prone to bending, snapping and chipping, allowing them to grow longer. Also you can give you face a more youthful appearance with you brow lifting and eyelashes lifting. If you want to stimulate collagen Dermapen is a micro-needling facial that is great to reducing of fine lines and wrinkles, acne and improvement of the skin. PhiRemoval is a non-laser tattoo removal technique. It’s used to remove permanent make up.
We want to provide top customer service to all of our patients. We specialise in BIAB Nails, Skink care, phiRemoval, DermaPen,Brow and lash lifting.

This business is actually built on something very valuable: A tremendous desire to succeed, to have the life that I believe we all deserve and on a strong determination to never, ever give up. First, I identified a passion, something that I love to do. Next, I set about becoming the best. So, finally, I made myself into a brand and a business.

See you in the salon.

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